Kundli Matching Services | Horoscope Specialist +91-9646072349, +91-9646072359

Kundli Matching Services India In terms of astrology, the identity and exact identity of a person are determined by the state of the planets, the place of birth and the time. The present and future states of the planets are compared with the birth details to predict the future. This is the real basis of the Indian Astrology.


Horoscope is a summary of the future of an astrologer predicting the current and future cycle. Horoscope is a portrait of space and time. Kundli Matching Services Months, time, place and birth are required for individual reading of horoscopes. There are 12 houses reflecting different areas of individual life and predicting an astrologer. Horoscope helps to know what the future is. To carry out future calculations, an astrologer must have full knowledge of the effect of the period or the lower term.


The projections are based on 4 bases:

1. Rashi, home and planet analysis.

The wise interpretation of the sign of the zodiac.
Position of the stove.

4. Impact of Planets.

Horoscope describes the images and positions of planets, such as the month, mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Rhea and Ketu, which were studied on the basis of the exact moments of human birth. Astrologers also use predictive tables to predict. These additional graphics are a special tool used in Vedic astrology. Rashi diagram is the basis for forecasts for other regions.

Horoscope is a complete design of planets and zodiacs known by Indians many decades ago. It is equivalent to a specific snapshot taken when capturing the position of the heavenly bodies


1. Burial Installation - This is a scientific method or document based on astronomy principles. Combining a horoscope is totally the same and wrong with a computer or anyone else. This part of astrology needs a few years of experience to make perfect calculations. This stage of astrology is a science without any doubt about any sector of the intellectual population.

Sign of the Zodiac - This aspect of astrology needs the same size as the astrologer's analytical abilities, comprehension, memory, and natural abilities. The reading of the zodiac is not only dependent on knowledge, it is also an art that requires the same experience and natural talent as it creates predictions about the astrolabe and others.



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